
Camping Packing List (Cold Weather, Hiking, Summer, All Types)

camping suppliesNo matter when or where you like to go camping, you must always be prepared to face your environment safely and pack accordingly. Your getaway should be a great and relaxing time! Even if you do manage to pack all necessities, you may still miss out on some of the extras that will make your trip that much more special.

You have happened upon the right place, my friend! Making your own packing list can be tedious, and you tend to forget things — that is why I am here to help. I have compiled the ultimate list for just about every single type of camper you could think of!

This article will cover tons of lists for:

  • The packing basics for all types of camping
  • What to pack for camping in cold weather
  • What to pack for summer camping
  • What to pack for backpacking camping
  • What to pack for backcountry camping
  • Setting up near dangerous wildlife
  • What to pack for camping in the desert
  • What to pack for beach camping
  • What to pack for camping in the mountains
  • Extra camping accessories to pack
  • Related articles

Without further ado, let’s get started!

The packing basic for all types of camping

These are the basic supplies you will need for any kind of camping. Of course the type of each of these items may vary slightly depending on the type of camping you are doing.

First Aid Kit

Having a well-stocked first aid kit with you could save your life. Here are some of the things you should be sure to keep in one at all times:

  • Adhesive bandages. This will help you protect any minor wound from bacteria and debris until it heals.
  • Antibiotic ointment. Spread this on the wound to disinfect it before you cover it with bandages.
  • Gauze pads and tape. These pads help soak up the flow of blood and protect your wound from germs. The tape attaches the pad to the skin and holds it in place.
  • Hand sanitizer. Before you can treat any injury, sterilize your own hands to minimize the spread of any harmful bacteria.
  • They will give you and the other person extra protection against germs while treating a wound. Just be sure that no one in your group is allergic to latex and buy gloves that are not made of that material.
  • Being able to tell if someone has a fever is important. High fevers indicate a more serious illness that needs extra medical help to fight. If someone’s body temperature goes above 100 degrees (F), seek professional medical attention.
  • Instant cold packs. These will help reduce swelling from sprains and provide relief to the injured person.
  • These are useful for removing splinters or other small foreign objects from the skin before the area becomes infected.
  • Eyewash solution. The safest way to get debris out of someone’s eye is to use an approved solution instead of water that may be contaminated.
  • A list of emergency contacts. If you or someone else becomes incapacitated, whoever is administering first aid needs to know who to call for help if needed.
  • Prescription medication. If you or anyone with you takes regularly prescribed medicine, have it handy.
  • Epi-Pen and any other allergy medication. These could save someone who is severely allergic to anything they may come across. It is very important that you know everyone’s allergies ahead of time.
  • Pain relievers. Over-the-counter pain relief pills like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are excellent for relieving pain from minor injuries and reducing inflammation.

These are just the most basic items in kits that you will need. If you would like a more comprehensive list, check it out our article Camping First Aid Kit (Packing List, Necessities, Safety).

Also you can read our safety article. Camping Safety Guide (Camping, Hiking, Kids, Animals, Cold)

If you would rather buy a kit rather than making one entirely from scratch, options are available in many drug stores, major retailers like Target, the Red Cross website, or Amazon.com.


This is the basic list that you will need for most 5 day camping trips. Of course, what you take can vary slightly depending on thetype of camping you will be doing.

  • 1 jacket or coat (if the weather will be cool during the day or evenings)
  • 2 pairs of comfortable shoes or boots
  • 3 pairs of pants and shorts
  • 4 shirts
  • At least 1 pair of pajamas (or thermals)
  • At least 4 pairs of socks
  • At least 4 pairs of underwear (although I would suggest packing extra just in case)
  • For cold weather you will probably want thermals to wear under your daytime clothing.


Everyone needs a secure place to lay their head at night. There are a few different types of shelters you can use for your trip depending on your needs.

  • Any standard tent that will protect you from the elements will do. You have to consider how many people will be sharing the space with you and make a decision based upon that. After you pitch and secure it, you are all set!
  • For those of you who would prefer to sleep underneath the stars or just don’t feel like sleeping on the ground, a hammock could be the right shelter for you. Depending on the accessories you buy for it (i.e. rain fly, mosquito net), you will be almost as safe and sound as you would be in a tent. This is ideal for single campers and backpackers.
  • R.V. If you want maximum security when you doze off, camp out in an R.V. This vehicle will also give you access to a toilet, a small kitchen, and an actual bedroom if your model comes with all of these things.

Tech and Accessories

You do not need much in the way of technology, but it is always a good idea to have your phone and a portable phone charger with you. It will at least give you a way to contact the proper authorities and emergency services if you should need them.

Family and friends who stayed behind will have a way to keep up with you if you’re going away for a while. Phones are essential because they are your only lifeline in the wilderness.

Food and Water

Humans need food and water to survive. That is a pretty simple concept, right? While you already know you need these things, you may not know exactly how much to pack for each day.

For reference, you should have:

  • 5-2 lbs. of food or at least 2,500 calories per person per day. These foods should include protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and vitamins to keep your mind clear and your body healthy.
  • 1 gallon of water per person per day is what you need to stay properly hydrated. Dehydration will make you feel tired and disoriented, and you can have a lot of nasty physical symptoms as well, including headaches. Water is the most important thing you can pack.

Check out this article we wrote on snacks. 20 of the best healthy snacks for camping

Food Storage

Unless you are packing only nonperishable food, you need a place to store your meals so they don’t rot prematurely. The most common solution for this is to get yourself a cooler. Pack your food in ice to keep it from spoiling.

Of course, for backpack camping and backcountry camping you aren’t going to haul a cooler around. With these types of camping, you will need food that does not have to be cold like, jerky, trail mix and canned food.

Sleeping Bags and Cots

When you nestle into the shelter of your choosing, you need to stay toasty warm and comfortable. Sleeping bags, cots, and air mattresses are portable and still comfortable enough to keep you happy. There are a plethora of models to choose from, and that just depends on your preference and the climate of the place you are staying.

camping in cold weather

What to pack for cold weather camping

Camping out in freezing temperatures is not for the fainthearted or those who have limited storage space. You need specific items that will keep you warm enough to avoid hypothermia and frostbite. Here are some more items you will want to havefor cold weather camping in addition to the basic list.

Fire Starting Items

Fire is your best asset against the biting cold. Being able to build one is important, and you shouldn’t rely on only what nature can give you. Here are some things to bring from home:

  • Firestarter or lighter.
  • Dry wood. You probably know by now that water trumps fire every time. You can’t make heat if your wood is wet. Bring your own ahead of time. Weather conditions in cold climates can be unpredictable, and snow is made of what? Water.
  • Kindling is simply any material that can be easily ignited. This could be a bundle of twigs, newspaper, lint, pine needles, or dry leaves. Most of it is free and found inside your own house or out in the yard!
  • Waterproof matches. These will usually come in a waterproof container for more protection against the elements. Some will even burn underwater, though you should not waste your resources trying to test the product. This set from Amazon comes highly rated. Give them a try!

Having the proper material is only half of the battle. Everything else you need can be found in this handy guide on starting fires and campfire safety measures.

Clothing for cold weather camping

We covered the fact that you do need clothes, but there are certain clothing items that you need and a system for dressing yourself that you need to learn. Putting the layering method into practice will shield your body from the cold most effectively.

The Layering Method

You need three layers of clothing if you are camping out in freezing temperatures. Each one serves its own purpose.

  • The first layer is intended to hold in your body heat and wick away moisture from sweat. This can be best achieved by finding thermal underwear, shirts, and tights. These items will fit you snugly to ensure that your body heat does not escape and that any sweat you work up will not soak through your other layers.
  • The second layer is just for more warmth. You could wear a long- sleeved shirt, a thinner sweater, or a jacket if you want. Depending on just how cold it is, you might even want to go with a coat.
  • The third layer is what will protect your underclothes from snow, rain, and wind. Many experts prefer snowboarding suits for this purpose.

What Not to Wear

There are certain clothing items you should never wear in cold climates because they leech heat.

  • Denim may be sturdy, but it is not resistant to the cold.
  • Cotton is too thin and breathable for cold-weather camping. There is almost no barrier between yourself and the wind when you wear this material alone.
  • It looks cool, and it is for more than one reason. The cold permeates the material quite easily, so leave those biker jackets at home.

What to Wear Instead

Some material is designed to help you out when you get chilly.

  • Although it can be itchy, it is waterproof to a degree and well insulated. Wool items last for much longer than others, too.
  • This is the lighter version of wool, and it is synthetic. It is soft, warm, and dries quickly.
  • This is the material you should look for when you are purchasing the clothes you’ll be wearing in your outermost layer. It is waterproof and will protect you from the snow and rain. As an added bonus, it won’t bog you down because it is very lightweight!


Your head, hands, and feet radiate most of your body heat. It makes sense that you should pack items that will cover them and hold in more heat than you usually would. If you live in a place that gets the full force of all four seasons, you probably already have these accessories in your closet. You will need:

  • Protect your hands and keep them from getting frostbitten.
  • A hat. I’m talking knitted hats and toboggans, here. Fur lined caps are good, too, but they may not be your style. You have plenty of options so you can still look stylish while staying warm.
  • Thick socks. Your shoes do not always have the best thermal properties. You need socks to keep your toes from going numb with cold. Wool socks are the best choice for this, in my opinion.
  • Boots usually have thick soles that keep the layer of chilly ground far away from your feet. Some tennis shoes can’t provide that. Boots lined with fleece, wool, or fur are even better if you can get your hands on them. (Faux fur is good, too, if you hate the idea of using the real thing.)
  • A scarf. One of your major arteries runs down your neck. Keep your blood nice and warm by covering it up with a cute scarf.
  • A ski mask. If the wind is biting, your face will have the most protection when you wear a ski mask.

For Sleeping

During the day, the cold may not seem so bad because you are moving around. When you sleep, your body goes still and stops producing that extra heat. Staying warm when you are sleeping isn’t all that complicated, though. All you need is a thermal sleeping bag and a thick blanket.

I would suggest, however, wearing your socks and thermal underwear to bed as well.


There is one extra thing you can pack to further beat the chill with little to no preparation.

  • Hand warmers. These nifty little packs only need to be taken out of the pack and shaken a bit to warm up. You can put them in your boots or your gloves for a little extra heat.

summer camping

What to pack for camping during summer

Just like being exposed to the cold, camping in hot weather has its own set of challenges to overcome. This time, you have to be worried about heat exhaustion, severe sunburn, and rapid dehydration. Your packing list should prepare you for the worst so you can have the best time possible.

  • Hats will shade your eyes from those UV rays and protect your scalp so it does not burn. These should have a brim and cover your entire head; visors aren’t going to cut it in this situation, I’m afraid.
  • Sunglasses further protect your eyes. Even though you may notice it at first, looking at the bright environment or the sun itself for too long will damage your eyes. (Never stare directly at the sun anyway.) Wear these so you won’t be needing real glasses any time soon. If you do wear regular glasses, use prescription sunglasses. You aren’t immune.
  • Sunscreen is a good way to protect your skin, short of wearing long sleeves and jeans. (I know you might not want to do that in this weather.) Direct and prolonged exposure to the sun increases your risk of skin cancer. Apply your sunscreen liberally and at regular intervals.
  • Aloe vera gel. This nifty stuff eases the pain of the sunburn you got because you forgot to put on your sunscreen. It provides relief and helps with the healing process.
  • Bug repellant. Mosquitoes and gnats come out to play in the summertime, much to the displeasure of their human targets. Spray on some of this, and those pests will not be annoying you for much longer. No more itchy, uncomfortable bug bites.
  • Spray bottle. If you fill one of these with water, you will keep your skin hydrated and cool. Just spritz some on the areas that need a little relief.
  • A portable fan inside of your tent will make your shelter a personal oasis. When you feel yourself getting too hot, turn it on and go lie down for a quick nap. You will feel better in no time!
  • If you are hammocking in the summer, consider putting a mosquito net and a tarp over the top. This will keep the bugs away and provide a place to cool off.
  • Extra water rations could never hurt. You will dehydrate more quickly in the heat because you will sweat more. Every time your body loses moisture, you will need to replenish it.

What to pack for backpacking camping

Backpacking is all about bringing the bare necessities and being free to visit anywhere you want to go without being bogged down with luggage. Your packing list is going to be minimal, of course, but you should make a little extra room for items you did not think of before that will prove to be quite useful.

The Necessities

There are some things you just should not leave home without. You might find yourself in a sticky situation if you are caught unprepared for life in strange new places.

  • The world speaks one language, and that is the language of money. You can’t eat, find a place to sleep, or get to where you need to go without it. You will have to exchange your currency if you are going to a different country, so keep some of the foreign paper money and coins on you. Do not forget your credit/debit card, though. If you run out of your paper currency or it is stolen from you, you will have a backup plan.
  • Your important documents must be with you at all times. This is a law in some countries. What are the important papers, though? These include your passport and your ID card as well as your Social Security card just in case further identification is needed.
  • Nonperishable food is good to have for times traveling between places. This will save you some money at airports when you feel peckish, too.
  • A waterproof backpack is best for your adventures. When you go backpacking, you bring what is most important to you. Letting those items get ruined because you were stuck in a bad storm is a tragedy.
  • Have a list of emergency contacts; you can even put it in your travel first aid kit. If your phone breaks, you still know who to call. So do the authorities if you get into any kind of trouble.
  • A reusable water bottle is a smart thing to have. You can fill up at water fountains if it is safe to do so at no charge to you. You save money and never go without the most vital substance your body needs.
  • Depending on which countries/areas you will be visiting, you may need to bring water purification drops. Places in Mexico, for instance, do not have the safest water to drink. You don’t want to risk getting sick because you did not take the proper precautions first.
  • As always, you need your phone and a charger. Payphones still exist in some areas, but do not rely on them alone. Yeah, your phone bill may go up, but it’s worth it to be able to talk to your loved ones to check in.
  • You likely planned your route ahead like a smart camper, so find some guidebooks and maps to help you around when you get to your destinations. They won’t take up too much space and they will keep you from asking everyone around you where to go in a very touristy fashion.

Items to Pack for Safety

No matter where you go, you should take precautions to keep yourself and your items safe from harm.

  • Pack a standard wedge doorstop. When you stay in a hostel or hotel, this will prevent any unwanted visitor from entering your room and stealing from you while you sleep… or worse.
  • Hiding your money in secure boxes or extra pouches will ensure that no pickpocket will take everything you have. Spread out your cash and hide some of these pouches in your clothing.
  • Having a padlock is useful for when you store your items in any locker. Do not trust the standard locks; it is better to be safe than to be sorry.
  • Buy one of those disposable, prepaid phones as a backup plan; if your personal phone breaks, you still have a good chance of being able to talk to whoever you need to get in touch with.


You can take a few extra items just for convenience if you have enough room left!

  • Outlet adaptors are handy when you go to a foreign country. Not all electrical outlets are made the same. If you can’t charge your devices, what is the point of bringing them at all?
  • Pack a disposable camera or your own digital version if you’re inclined to do so. Your trip is about making memories as much as it is about freedom and time away from everyday life.
  • If you’re a bookworm, why not bring an eReading device like a Kindle? You will have all of your books in one place which will save you a ton of space.
  • You don’t always have time to find a laundromat. You can’t bring too many outfits with you, but you can wash them quite easily as long as you have a little water and soap. The Scrubba wash bag will make your clothes squeaky clean with minimal effort.


What to pack for backcountry camping

Backcountry camping is essentially backpacking without the luxury of sleeping in cities. While you should refer to the above for most of your list, you have to remember that your situation is different in some ways. This is all about nature, so you need to ass a couple of items to your list.

  • A lightweight hammock is best for saving space. Tents are bulky and heavy — they’re less portable.
  • Your clothes should be suited more for hiking. Since you will be traveling on foot instead of using any public transit, this includes sturdy boots and protective clothing items.

Camping Near Wildlife

When you go camping near dangerous predators or any other wild animal, you need to take extra care to protect yourself and your gear from an attack. Here are a few items you should consider packing for safety:

  • Bear cans/bear sacks/other airtight containers are essential for storing your food in. Bears and many other animals have olfactory senses that are hundreds of times stronger than ours. If you leave food out, you are basically advertising a free buffet to raccoons, bears, mountain lions, and much more. None of those experiences would be ideal, so put your ingredients in a container that conceals smells and keeps critters out.
  • Two words: bear spray. You should only use this as a last resort, but it is basically pepper spray on steroids. When a bear attacks, you use it to disable their senses of smell and sight so you can get away. Just be sure to never stand downwind when you use it, though. It’s common sense, but mistakes still happen.
  • A tent may better serve you when camping near animals. A hammock will keep you off the ground, but tents shelter you from sight so you don’t catch the attention of anything looking to make you a meal.
  • Keep a flashlight on hand. At night, you can easily spot anything lurking in the bushes and know to back away from it. This also helps you keep track of your surroundings so you do not get lost in their territory.

What Not to Pack

The rules are pretty simple when it comes to what you should not pack when camping around wild animals.

  • Take it easy on the meats. You don’t have to completely skip it but pack it sparingly. Carnivores will be drawn to the site, and you are also, unfortunately, made of meat. Go with less aromatic things like vegetables and nuts.
  • Sweet smelling perfumes are also a pretty bad idea. Insects will be attracted to your scent, and startling them while they are sniffing the bouquet may make you a target to sting.

desert camping

What to pack for camping in the desert

There are a few brave souls out there who like to camp out in desert territory. Days are typically extremely hot and dry while nights can get down to freezing temperatures. Navigating this environment can be highly dangerous if you do not have the right supplies, so double check everything on the list before leaving.

Supplies for Daytime

Your first priority when camping out under the scorching sun is to protect your skin. That is why you should bring:

  • Long-sleeved shirts and long pants made out of light material. This is when you can bust out the cotton and the linen. These materials are super light and breathable while creating a barrier between your skin and those harmful UV rays.
  • Wide-brimmed hats are especially good for covering your neck as well as your scalp.
  • If you can’t find a wide-brimmed hat or you just need extra protection, bring a You can tie it around your neck to keep the sun off and to look stylish while you are out there doing your thing! A bandana will also help with sand that may blow around in the wind. Lift it over your mouth and nose, and you do not have to worry about inhaling those pesky sand particles.
  • These are especially important if you have sensitive eyes. You are not just battling the sun’s glare from the sky this time. If your desert campsite is sandy, the light will reflect off of the sand grains as well. Everywhere you look may be extremely bright, so shade those eyes.
  • No one should ever be without sunscreen. Unless you cover every single part of your body every day, you are going to need this. Slather yourself in it religiously to avoid getting burned.
  • Your lips tend to dry out in arid environments, so pack your favorite heavy-duty lip balm. Apply it regularly, maybe about every hour or so. Chapped lips are very uncomfortable, and that is not something you want to have to worry about while you’re exploring.
  • Extremely dry skin is also a setback of hanging out in the desert all day. Even if you drink plenty of water, you should keep your skin hydrated with some Any kind will do!
  • You, like the summer campers, should bring a water bottle to mist yourself with. A little spritz here and there will keep you cool and refreshed.

Supplies for Nighttime

When the sun goes down, the desert gets really cold pretty fast. Temperatures are sometimes near freezing, and that means you need to be prepared to switch seasons when it comes to what gear you are packing.

  • Now is the time to change into your warmer clothes. Having a jacket stashed away for nighttime is a smart move; bring a coat if you are one of those people who tends to feel cold even when temperatures are mild. Bust out the wool and the fleece — you are going to need it.
  • Though your tent provides some insulation from the chill, you still need a warm place to nestle down into. A thermal sleeping bag or one lined with insulating materials like fleece will keep you comfortable.
  • Put on your best cozy pajamas before you go to sleep. You will stay extra warm and snug until the sun comes up to bake you all over again the next day.


A few items need to be added to your list after you pack all of your general supplies. These will make life more convenient and a little less dangerous when it comes to the animals that creep around in the desert.

  • A snake bite kit. Snakes are cold-blooded animals, meaning that they like to make the hot desert their home. If one is startled, it could bite you out of instinct. Venomous species of snakes are abundant out there, so it could save your life to have a snake bite kit in your backpack. The kit will not completely cure your injuries and symptoms, but it will buy you time until you can get to a doctor. Need more information on what is included in a kit and where to get them? Look here.
  • It is vital that you wear close-toed shoes in the desert. Stinging critters can pop up at any time. If they feel afraid, they might decide that your vulnerable toes are a prime target. Needles from cacti are also a problem in some areas; unless you are just itching to use those tweezers in your first aid kit, prevent yourself from getting hurt and wear sturdy boots.
  • You can pack a reusable water bottle if you would like, but canteens are a lot more fun and sometimes more easily portable. Canteens usually have a strap that you can put over your shoulder for a more convenient way to reach them when you are thirsty. You won’t have to dig around in your backpack for water. They also carry more water than a standard bottle does.
  • If a canteen still does not meet your needs for the water you need to carry all at once, consider buying a CamelBak. These look like standard backpacks, but they are filled with water. Many of them can hold up to 3 liters! The best part is that they usually have a long straw attached to them. You can walk and sip at the same time.

beach camping

What to pack for camping on the beach

When packing for camping on the beach, you have a lot to think about. You will be near water which is both good and bad. You will be trying to pitch a tent in the sand, which seems impossible. You have extra gear for activities that you would not have if you were exploring the cruel desert. I have the solution to all of your problems!


You can dress a little more laid back when you camp by the seaside. Here is what you’ll need:

  • Two swimsuits and/or a wetsuit, depending on how cold the water will be. Pack more than one if you will be staying for a while; you can hang one up to dry while the other is ready to go.
  • Shorts
  • Tank tops
  • A hat for scalp protection and shade
  • Sunglasses to protect your eyes
  • Sandals, the standard footwear of beachgoers


There are a couple of things you just should not leave home without.

  • Lots and lots of fresh water. Just because you are by a giant body of water does not mean that it’s safe to drink. Salt water doesn’t do anything to hydrate your body! Bring gallons of water to drink and wash off with.
  • Sand is not a fun thing to work with when trying to pitch a tent that will hold through strong sea breezes. You need something to anchor your tent down with. Large, heavy stones are fine, but sandbags are too! Loose sand is almost weightless but packed together, it becomes a pretty mighty anchor.
  • Sunscreen and aloe vera gel, of course, apply in this environment as well when it comes to protecting yourself and getting relief if you do happen to get burned.

Convenient Items

You will survive just fine on clothes and essentials plus the basics listed in the beginning, but you could add a few things to make your experience more comfortable.

  • You are probably going to be swimming at some point, and air drying is tedious and icky. Even when you aren’t swimming, you need a barrier between yourself and the sand. Have regular towels and beach towels in your suitcase!
  • A privacy tent. You need to get those dripping swimsuits off in private, but soaking your tent floor is the last thing you want to do. Get a tent you will not be sleeping in and make it your personal changing room.
  • A portable toilet. In the woods, you have a place to “go” when the need arises, but there aren’t many trees and bushes to hide behind on the beach. If you have your own toilet, you will not have to make the long trek back to the main site and a restroom. Put it in the privacy tent when you need it!
  • There are nifty portable showers available for sale just for occasions like these. Some warm themselves with the power of the sun, and others are heated with propane. Whichever you prefer, you will be able to find a shower that fits your needs. Most campsites have showers, but who wants to deal with all the foot fungus and hairs left by other campers?
  • The great thing about sand is that it does not catch on fire as grass does. All you need is a barrier to contain the wood and your own campfire starter kit. (Refer to the “Cold Weather Camping” section to see what you will need.)

Just for Fun

Having fun in the sun and in the water is made easier by packing some of these things:

  • A snorkel mask or goggles. Explore the hidden world under the sea in crystal clear detail instead of stinging your eyes and seeing almost nothing. You might find a school of fish hanging out nearby!
  • A surfboard or paddleboard. You should really only go solo if you are already skilled in surfing or paddleboarding. Most beginners take lessons. If it’s safe for you to do so, go catch some waves.
  • Life preservers and floats. These are for safety, but they are also a fun way to navigate the waters and relax. Get one that feels right for you and drift in the waves. (Keep an eye out, though. You wouldn’t want to get too far from the shore.)

mountain camping

What to pack for camping in the mountains

Mountainous terrain is rough, and high altitudes make camping there more difficult. It is not impossible, though. You just need to pack like you have done it a million times before.

  • At high altitudes, the air is thinner and colder. You need clothes that will hold in your body heat depending on how high up you are setting up camp.
  • Your clothing items should also be oriented toward an active lifestyle and sturdy enough for hiking. Boots, comfortable pants, and jackets are ideal everyday wear.
  • Pack some of your gear in a backpack. When you leave your campsite to go hike or explore, you will have all of the essentials with you for any important situation.
  • Bring a map and a compass if you are camping in an undesignated camping spot. If you know how to read them right, you likely will not get lost.
  • A tent is more ideal for mountain camping than a hammock would be. It provides more insulation, and you won’t fall onto the rocky or sloping ground and get hurt. If you do choose to pack a hammock, though, set it up far away from cliffs or steep hills.

Extra Camping Accessories

If you have enough room left in your backpack or suitcase for a few extra items, consider bringing along things that add to the fun and atmosphere of relaxation!

  • If you’ll be camping near water, pack a kayak or canoe. It’s not hard to learn if you plan to do so on calm waters. Along with that, be sure to bring an appropriately sized life jacket for every member who wants to try.
  • Outdoor games will always fill any boring space or lull in the trip, especially if you have kids. Volleyball, kickball, cornhole, frisbee, and football require very minimal items to set up. Board games are fun, too, if you have a place to set them up.
  • If you are bringing a pet, have a kiddie pool forHe them to splash around in when the day is too hot. As an alternative, you could put a child in the pool with no water. Give them toys to play with, and they will be occupied for a good while.
  • Having a journal is fantastic for documenting your time and telling the tales of your adventures while they are still fresh in your mind. You can pass it down to your kids later on, and they can write about their own journeys!
  • Nature always presents prime opportunities for gorgeous photography shoots. You can bring a digital camera of your own or a disposable one from the drug store. Have the photos developed after your trip and put them in a scrapbook. One day, you may be showing them to your grandchildren. Even if you don’t have kids, you won’t regret snapping pictures and reminiscing over them later in life.
  • If you have the time and the solitude to focus on reading, either pack paper copies of books or an eReader. Finally, you can catch up on that series you’ve been meaning to read since last year.
  • If you feel like making your site feel a little cozier and like home, pack some solar powered fairy lights to hang up outside the tent. It adds just a touch of style without being too flashy or over-the-top.

After everything you’ve read, you’ll be prepared for anything and everything! After you’re done, you can set out on your journey without making a U-turn and coming home because you forgot something. Enjoy!

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Rickie Arms

Hi, I'm Rickie Arms, owner of Glampingorcamping.com. I am so invested in writing the best and most informative articles for you that I went out and bought a travel trailer just so I could write about it for you. I spend just about all of my off time both camping and glamping so I can share everything I have learned and will learn with you. I have spent my whole life camping and over the last 10 years, I have spent a large amount of time checking out glamping experiences with my wife and kids as well. Thank you for coming by and we hope to see you back here getting great information in the future. Rick Arms-

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