Originally invented in 2001, the Jetboil is one of the most well-liked and convenient camping stoves. Jetboil is light, it is easy to operate, and it works for a lot of different camping cooking methods. The stove is functional for any kind of camping trip, but depending on the camping trip length you will want to think about how big a fuel canister you plan to bring to fuel the stove.
So, how long does Jetboil fuel last?
The answer to how long Jetboil fuel will last depends on what size canister you are using: 100g canister should last around three to five days, a 230g canister should last around seven to ten days, and a 450g canister should last around two weeks to a month. These are estimates based on normal usage, more or less usage will, in return, result in more or less fuel consumption.
The answer also varies depending on how often you are using the fuel. If you plan on using your Jetboil for every meal, for instance, you should pack anywhere from an extra 100g canister to double the weight you originally planned on. As always in the camping world, better safe than sorry.
So much of the answer also relies on generalizations. Most often, campers use the Jetboil for maybe a hot drink of tea or coffee in the mornings, and one meal later on in the day. Everything else would be the food you can just eat without the stove. So, if you went this route, the fuel would obviously last a little longer.
Your cooking style will also affect how long the fuel lasts, as there are different levels at which the Jetboil operates. And, of course, your cooking plans will most likely depend on the weather you will experience while hiking. So, below, I will go over all the different details this question brings up to get you the best information for your Jetboil experience.
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Do a test before camping
It is always smart to test out your camping supplies before you embark on your trip, though this mostly applies to backpack trips. You need to know your base weight and knowing that will help pick which size fuel canister is best for you, but of course, knowing the fuel specifics can help make that decision as well.
If you think you can get by with a 100g fuel canister, try it for three or so days and see how long it lasts. Be realistic with your meal choices. If you plan on drinking one hot cup of coffee and eating only one hot meal a day, use your Jetboil for those purposes at home and see how long 100g of fuel lasts. Do the same if you plan on using it for more meals than just one.
You can repeat this method for 230g and 450g as well, though, with some basic math, it should be pretty easy to tell how long they will last. Generally, 230g is about double 100g, and 450g is a little more than double the 230g.
So, practicing with 100g is your best bet to get the best approximations for your specific trip.
100-gram Jetboil canister (Amazon link)
How many meals can a Jetboil 100g Fuel canister make
100g translates to 4oz, so you are looking at a really light load, perfect for shorter camping trips. And like mentioned above, these shorter trips should be around three days, and possibly longer if you really conserve to make the most of your 100g fuel.
At half power on a Jetboil, you can save a lot of gas. It will take longer to get the water boiling, but if you have time and can wait, this would be an effective way to save some fuel for later use. Plus, you will save some money!
So, we have days listed, but it is also important to mention the number of meals. I have found that a 100g fuel canister can last anywhere from 10-14 meals if you use the Jetboil effectively in the ways listed above.

Jetboil 230g fuel canister (Amazon link)
How many meals can a Jetboil 230g Fuel canister make
Bringing this much fuel means you have a bit of a longer trip coming up, or you are just being prepared and bringing extra fuel—both of which are great reasons! 230g translates to a little more than 8oz, so this amount of fuel will add to your pack in a more noticeable way, but still not too bad.
For the number of meals, since we have a little more fuel here than just double the 100g, you are looking at about 27-40 meals. You can store this fuel if you don’t use it all in one trip and save it for later, too, which will save you money down the road.
From what I’ve seen, a 230g of fuel can last about three and a half hours continuously. So, broken up in smaller timeframes while cooking—usually, about 2.5 or 3 minutes to get to boiling temperatures–that equals quite a bit of use weather permitting.
If you did the math, that equals approximately 71 uses. So, my range of 27-40 meals is a more general estimate based on weather and meal choices. If it is colder, it will take longer to boil, which means you will use more fuel. And if you make a meal that takes longer to cook, same deal.
450g Jetboil Fuel Canister (Amazon Link)
450g of Fuel
450g translates to almost 16oz, which is about the size of a standard water bottle. You will notice its weight on your pack, but if you are planning a long trip, 450g is the right way to go.
The estimation of days is a little harder for this amount of fuel, as this is one of the biggest fuel canister sizes out there. Since the size just about doubles the 230g canister, you can expect 450g to last about 54-80 days. It is a big jump, but it really just depends on how often you are using the fuel and what cooking method you use.
450g will also work if you are camping with a partner for a shorter amount of time. That way, you can save some space in at least one of your packs!
(Yes, that is a jetboil using an MSR fuel canister)
Tips for Making Your Jetboil Fuel Last Longer
Conserving your fuel actually depends a lot on the weather. If you are camping or backpacking in the cold, it might be necessary to use your Jetboil more often for warm food and drinks.
Jetboil’s performance can often suffer in cold weather, so try to find innovative ways to keep the fuel canisters warm, like putting it in your coat pocket or sleeping with it in your sleeping bag.
The worst you will probably get is that it will take quite a bit longer for the water to boil in the cold. Jetboil fuel is made to work in cold weather, though, so if you buy the name brand fuel, you should expect good results.
To reiterate prior paragraphs, I would strongly suggest practicing with your Jetboil. You can take it on a regular campground camping trip, so you have backup cooking options if the Jetboil runs out of food, but you will be able to see how often you need to use it and what you need to use it for.
You could also practice at home, but I find a more authentic experience helps you prepare on a whole different level. You want to know what you, personally, are like in the wild. Maybe you thought you would be able to make it without cooking warm food, but you realize that isn’t your style. You need to know all this before you plan how much fuel you need to bring.
It is always, always smart to bring extra fuel just in case—at least 100g extra. You just never know what unexpected circumstances may arise on your trip, and you want to be as prepared as possible.
Really consider what you are packing, and if you can spare 4oz of weight, I would recommend bringing the extra fuel in place of something less important. If you don’t use all of the fuel canisters in one camping trip, you can store it.
Different food uses different amounts of fuel as well—if you buy something like Top Ramen that needs to be boiled for a longer amount of time, you will use more fuel. Keep this in mind when purchasing food for your trip.
The fuel itself should not expire, but the canister could get rusty or the seal could deteriorate. Just check up on it every now and again. And hey, this could be an excuse to go camping more, which I’m sure you won’t complain about!
Resuts may vary
As you can probably tell, this, like so much else in camping, is individual. What works for someone else might not necessarily work for you. So, even though you have the approximations for fuel, the practice part is really important.
If you want to have more than one hot meal, go for it! If you want food that takes longer to cook, great. Just remember to factor in your specific needs with how much fuel you pack.
As long as you are prepared, you should not have any troubles with the Jetboil stove and its fuel canisters. It is popular for a reason: it is efficient, and it really works.