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16 Real Benefits Of Summer Camp For Kids And Adults
Pepper or Bear Spray Can Work On Mountain Lions ( life saving tips )
Mountain lions, also known as cougars, panthers, pumas and America’s Lion, are typically difficult to spot and even harder to encounter. However, mountain lion attacks are becoming more prevalent...
Poisonous Snakes While Camping ( Identify, Treat Bites and Myths )
Interactions with wildlife are a part of camping and in many instances a welcome experience. However, there are a few creatures that campers are not so thrilled to come into contact with. One of them...
What Smells or Items Repel Bears? ( how to deter and not attract bears )
Running into a bear when you are camping can be a scary experience. If you find you have a 300-pound black bear as a neighbor in the campground, you might want to sit in your car for a bit....
Type Of Poisonous Plants While Camping ( How to identify and treat )
Take a deep breath and smell the clean air in the great outdoors. Green leafy plants, gorgeous trees, and an abundance of flowers make camping outside fun and beautiful, but also danger lurks just...
The Great Pyrenees has a watchful and protective nature and can be very serious. He is a flock-guarding dog who is also gentle and especially good with children. The Great Pyrenees is smart, big, and...
Bears Are Attracted To Human Feces and Urine ( Here’s how to stop it )
Bears live in just about every area of the United States where there is wilderness – mountains, forests, and even grasslands. With the influx of people visiting these areas, bear sightings are...